How to use Job Alerts

Would you like to be informed immediately about new vacancies on Job Market Finland? Don’t let the right job pass you by – set up a Job Alert today! Select your desired search criteria from the job search and subscribe to email notifications of new jobs. Your Job Alert will send you an email when a job opening that matches your search criteria is published on Job Market Finland.

  1. Go to Job Market Finland’s Vacancies page.
  1. Select your desired search criteria. You can search for jobs by occupational group, location, working time and language, for example. You can also enter specific keywords.
  2. Once you have defined your desired search criteria, click the “Subscribe to Job Alerts” button below the search field.
  3. Select how often you wish to receive Job Alert messages. You can choose either “daily” or “weekly”. You will be emailed only when new jobs that match your Job Alert are published.
  4. Enter your email address and accept the Terms of Use of the service.
  5. Finally, press “Subscribe”.

Your Job Alert will be valid for three months, and you can cancel it at any time by clicking on the link in the email. You can also create several Job Alerts with different search criteria.

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